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 Synthèse règles 2nd Ed.

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Synthèse règles 2nd Ed. Empty
MessageSujet: Synthèse règles 2nd Ed.   Synthèse règles 2nd Ed. EmptyMar 4 Oct 2016 - 9:02

PS : ICI, synthèse des différentes modifications apportées.
La liste n'est sans doute pas close mais avant d'ajouter une nouvelle rubrique, les suggestions d'améliorations sont émises dans un autre post. Une fois celles-ci abondées par tous, on les ajoute à la liste ici.

1 - Combat
A) Breaking spell
B) Initiative
C) Durée d'un round
D) Déplacement en combat
E) Bleeding
F) Combat à 2 mains
G) Combat avec 2 armes
H) La Surprise
I) Thaco
J) Thaco for Monsters
K) Critical Hit Table
2 - La magie
A) Les cure, + Heal and Harm
B) Table des bonus de sorts en fonction de l'intelligence ou de la sagesse
C) Les magos et la magie
D) Utilisation des domaines de clerc
3 - Aménagements classes
A) The Rogue
B) The Assassin
C) The Fighter
4 - Rubrique divers
A) La dexterité
B) Le Poison
C) Table des save
D) Table des turning
E) Table des save for magical and non-magical items
F) Table detection invisibility

1) Combat
A) Breaking spell
Si un spellcaster est frappé avant que son sort prenne effet, il doit effectuer un Concentration check (Un systeme shock avec - 2% par pt de degats encaissés, -1% par spell level et +2% par niveau.) pour éviter qu'il ne soit breacké.

B) Initiative
- Initiative calculée comme en 3.5 sur un d20 + Dex bonus. Par contre, les actions sont lancées sur une base simultanée (il n'y a donc pas de tour de jeu comme en 3.5) et doivent être annoncées avant le début du round.

C) Durée d'un round  
En combat, un round fait 6 secondes. Hors combat, il fait 1 minute.

D) Déplacement en combat
Lorsqu'un déplacement d'une distance inférieure à la moitié du move du personnage, celui-ci peut agir en fin de round.

E) Bleeding
Constit check tous les rounds pour voir si le bleed continue. Un cure l'arrête automatiquement

F) Combat à 2 mains
- bonus de dégâts x1.5 de force (Round Down).
- disposition applicable à toute les classes

G) Combat avec 2 armes
a) Tout le monde peut combattre avec 2 armes;
b) Les attaques a 2 mains sont affectées par la Dext et les malus de to-hit qui l'accompagne :
- de base : - 2 with primary hands, - 4 with secondary hands ; + Reaction adjustements (RA)
Remarque : secondary hands, la dext peut réduire le malus de to hit mais ne peut pas excéder 0 (ex avec une dext de 21).
Exceptions : Ranger (class ability) and fighter (entrainement) n'ont pas de malus sur leur secondary hands.
c) Les dégâts des bonus de force de la 2ème attaque sont réduits de moitié (Round Down).
d) L'utilisation d'une seconde arme octroie une attaque supplémentaire chaque round de combat avec la 2ème arme.
=> 3 attaques /2 rounds.
- avec 1 arme : 1 attaque 1er round ; 2 attaques 2ème round.
- avec 2 armes => 2 attaques 1er round, 3 attaques 2èmes round

H) La Surprise
De base, un personnage est surpris 1-3 sur 1D10. Ce score est modifié comme suit :
+ Le Reaction Adjustment de celui qui tente de surprendre.
- Le Reaction Adjustment de celui qui tente d'éviter d'être surpris.
Ex : Un Assassin avec 16 de Dextérité (+1 de Reaction Adjustment) tente de surprendre un Garde avec 13 de Dextérité (+0 de Reaction Adustment), le Garde est donc surpris 4 in 10 (3+1-0).
Si le même Garde est extrêmement agile avec 18 de Dexterité (+3 de Reaction Adjustment) il ne sera surpris que 1 in 10 (3+1-3).

Certaines races ont des avantages à la surprise dans certain cas (Elfe, Hobbit... s'ils sont seuls et sans armure de métal, ils ajoutent 4 au chance de surprise de base, donc 7 in 10....) et d'autres ne peuvent quasiment jamais êtres surpris....
A voir : Les Drow ne sont surpris que 1 in 10 par exemple en 2nd édition mais les règles ne précisent pas clairement si ce score est modifiable

I) Nouvelle Table Thaco

Synthèse règles 2nd Ed. 504011NewTHAC02ndEd700x1000

J) Thaco for monster

Synthèse règles 2nd Ed. 0w84

K) Critical Hit Table

Synthèse règles 2nd Ed. W64l


2) La magie
A) Les cure, + Heal and Harm
a) Progression type 3.5 des cure ou cause (1 a 8+..., 2d8+....).
b) Spontaneous casting cure or cause
c) Heal and Harm use version 3.5, witout save

B) Table des bonus de sorts en fonction de l'intelligence ou de la sagesse :
13 +1st
14 +1st
15 +2nd
16 +2nd
17 +3rd
18 +4th
19 +1st +2nd
20 +1st +2nd
21 +3rd +4th
22 +3rd +5th
23 +4th +5th
24 +5th +6th
25 +6th +7th

Soit avec 25 au max, +4 / +4 / +3 / +3 / +3 / +2 / +1
Pas fait : Le défaut étant qu'il n'y a pas les sorts 8 et 9 pour les mago...

C) Les magos et la magie
- Le mago envoie ses sorts après mémorisation comme le sorcier 3.5 : s'il a 4 slots de mémorisation à un certain niveau de sort, il peut envoyer un des sorts mémorisés 4 fois, au détriment des autres sorts mémorisés.
- Il peut également utiliser un slot d'un niveau de sort supérieur (par exemple un slot 4eme pour envoyer un sort 3eme ou 2ème).

D) Utilisation des domaines de clerc
Les domaines :
- All, Animal, Astral, charm, Combat, Creation, Divination, Elemental, Guardian, Healing, Necromantic, Plant, Protection, summoning, Sun, We'ather +
(Domaines du tome of Magic) Chaos, Law, Numbers, Thought, Time, Travelers, War, Wards
The priest's deity will have major and minor accesses to certain spheres, and this determines the spells available to the priest. A priest whose deity grants major access to a sphere can choose from any spell within that sphere (provided he is high enough in level to cast it), while one allowed only minor access to the sphere is limited to spells of 3rd level or below in that sphere.  

In the PHB, clerics have major access to all, astral, charm, combat, creation, divination, guardian, healing, necromantic, protection, summoning, sun, and minor access to elemental.
1) Druids lose access to the sphere of divination. They have major access to all, animal, elemental, healing, plant, weather and sun
2) Clerics lose access to sun, elemental air, and elemental fire. They retain minor access to elemental water and elemental earth


3) Aménagements classes
A) The Rogue
Thieve’s Abilities: En montant de niveau, le voleur acquiert les capacités suivantes :
1st level : Weapon finesse use Dex bonus instead of Str bonus to hit when using a light weapon (rapier, dagger, short sword, ...)
3rd level : Shadow vision gains low-light vision due to training in darkness. If character already has low-light vision, gains darkvision, and vice versa.
5th level : Evasion No damage on a successful save against an attack that would normally have dealt half damage.
7th level : Trap senses  +2 to saves against traps ; improves to +4 at level 10
9th level : Uncanny dodge : Cannot be flanked, excepted by a higher level rogue
11th level : Special ability
13th level : Special ability
15th level : Special ability
17th level : Special ability
19th level : Special ability

Special abilities : Starting from level 11 and every 2 levels thereafter, the rogue gains one special ability from the list bellow or other abilities at Dm's option:
- Danger sense: Surprise check evolution
- Bleeding strike: deals (1 hp/Back Stab multiplier) with a successful Back Stab Attack. Bleeding can be stopped with a cure.
- Defensive roll: half damage from a lethal blow with a successful Dexterity check, once/day.
- Skill mastery: the rogue choses 3 Rogue skills + 1 per point of intelligence over 15 ; he discards any unfavourable circunstance maluses when using these skills as he gains mastery over stress and distraction.
- Slippery mind: reroll any failed save against enchantment spell or effect on the following round.
- Trap spotter: Intelligence chek to spot a trap when the rogue comes 10 ft from it
- Improved reaction: +2 to initiative roll

B) The Assassin
L'Assassin acquiert au premier niveau la capacité de backstab, d'assassinat, et d'utilisation de poison.
- open locks
- find/remove traps
- move silently
- Hide in shadows
- Detect noise
- Climb walls
- Disguise

L'assassin reçoit la moitié des points de skills d'un voleur de niveau équivalent.

Abilities: En montant de niveau, l'assassin acquiert les capacités suivantes :
1st level : Weapon finesse use Dex bonus instead of Str bonus to hit when using a light weapon (rapier, dagger, short sword, ...)
3rd level : Shadow vision gains low-light vision due to training in darkness. If character already has low-light vision, gains darkvision, and vice versa.
5th level : Precise strike +1d6 on a flanked opponent ; +2d6 from 10th level and on, with a single weapon only
7th level : Evasion No damage on a successful save against an attack that would normally have dealt half damage.
9th level : Brew poison
11th level : Special ability
13th level : Special ability
15th level : Special ability
17th level : Special ability
19th level : Special ability

Special abilities: : Starting from level 11 and every 2 levels thereafter, the assassin gains one special ability from the list bellow or other abilities at Dm's option:
- Personal immunity: the assassin chooses 4 poison types to which he is immune with.
- Skill mastery: the assassin can try to overcome magical locks and traps just like mechanical ones.
- Uncanny dodge: Cannot be flanked, excepted by a higher level rogue.
- Critical attack: once per turn, after the 3rd combat round with a single opponent, roll automatically on the critical hit table with a successful attack.
- Bleeding strike: deals (1 hp/Back Stab multiplier) with a successful Back Stab Attack. Bleeding can be stopped with a cure.
- Defensive roll: half damage from a lethal blow with a successful Dexterity check, once/day.
- Hide in plain sight: the assassin may attempt to hide in shadow while in plain sight
- Improved reaction: +2 to initiative roll

C) The Fighter
Fighter’s Abilities En montant de niveau, le guerrier acquiert les capacités suivantes:
1st level :
a) Quick draw (draw weapon and Attack with no initiative penalty),
b) Two-Weapon fighting (fight with both hands with no to hit penalty). Prérequis : 16 de dext
c) Two-Weapon defense (use off-hand weapon as a shield, loose one Attack and gain +1 AC + magic modifiers)
d) Shield Training, Fighter gain +2 on AC when using a Shield instead of the standard+1 Bonus.
3rd level : Armor training (consider armor as one category bellow for encombrance and speed purpose)
5th level : Improved reaction (+2 to initiative roll)
7th level : Cleave (divert remaining attacks same round on nearby creature within half-move distance if opponent killed)
9th level : Blind-fight (no advantage fo invisible opponent, Dex bonus still apply, half penalties while attacking creatures invisible or in total darkness)
11th level : Special ability
13th level : Special ability
15th level : Special ability
17th level : Special ability
19th level : Special ability

Special abilities : Starting from level 11 and every 2 levels thereafter, the fighter gains one special ability from the list bellow or other abilities at Dm's option:
- Far shot: double range with thrown weapon
- Deflect arrow: once per round, when aware of the attack, with free hand or shield
- Rapid reload: Double fire rate with crossbow
- Shield bash: With a light or medium shield only, give up AC benefit and add off-hand shield bash during your combat round, as if fighting with extra weapon, dealing pummeling damage (1d3 for light shields, 1d4 for medium ones, + magic and strength modifiers)
- Greater two-weapon fighting: Combine Attack and defense while fighting, i.e. keep number of attacks per round and gain shield benefit from off-hand weapon
- Whirlwind attack: When figthing with two-handed weapon, discard strength bonuses and deal one all-around attack to all nearby opponent, max 4 no more than 5-foot distance
- Improved critical: Critical hit on natural 19 and 20

Notes :
a) Two-Weapon defense :
1-Le combattant gagne en permanence +1 d'AC du fait de la barriere de lame qu'il dresse devant son opposant
2-Il peut, à la place, s'il le souhaite "loose one Attack and gain +1 AC + magic modifiers"
b) Greater two-weapon fighting:
1-Le combattant gagne en permanence +2 d'AC du fait de la barriere de lame qu'il dresse devant son opposant
2-Il peut, à la place, s'il le souhaite "loose one Attack and gain +2 AC + magic modifiers"


4) Rubrique divers
A) La dexterité
RA Reaction Adjustment
MA Missil attack Adjustment
DA Defensive Adjustment

Ability R M D
Score A A A.
1 -6 -6 +5
2 -4 -4 +5
3 -3 -3 +4
4 -2 -2 +3
5 -1 -1 +2
6 0 0 +1
15 0 0 -1
16 +1 +1 -2
17 +2 +2 -3
18 +3 +3 -4
19 +4 +4 -4
20 +4 +4 -5
21 +5 +5 -5
22 +5 +5 -6
23 +6 +6 -6
24 +6 +6 -7
25 +7 +7 -7

B) Le Poison
Règles issues du Netbook of poisons pour la concoction, et une transcription du Dragon Magazine pour les prix d'achat
a) Poison Concoction Cost :
Base cost:
*Insinuative 50 gp
*Ingestive  20 gp
*Contact    50 gp
*Inhalant/gases 100 gp
*A “death” poison adds +100 gp to the base price
*+5 gp per point of potential damage for a failed saving throw
*+10 gp per point of potential damage for a successful saving throw (i.e. a poison that does half damage with a successful save).
*Sleep & Paralysis poisons add +5 gp for each round of effect, 50 gp for each turn or 100 gp for each hour of effect.
*Poisons with “instantaneous” onset times add 100 gp. to the cost.
*+10 gp for every point below +4 on saving throw; i.e. a +3 poison costs an additional 10 gp, a -4 poison cost +80 gp
*+50 gp for any “bonus” effects, such as blindness, vertigo, etc. If the poison has more than one “bonus” effect this cost addition is doubled or tripled, depending on the number of additional effects.(i.e. four effects = +200 gp)

Note that bying poisons created by an alchemist will generally cost more than poisons created by someone with the herbalism proficiency (such as a wisewoman or assassin).

Example: an ingestive “damage” poison (base cost 20 gp), with a saving throw penalty of -4 (80 gp), a damage potential of 30 hit points (150 gp) and the added affect of blindness (50 gp) adds up to a cost of 300 gp/dose.

b) Relevant proficiencies
Identify poison: (Check: Int. -2 ; Rogue) A character with this skill is an expert on poisons, both natural and manufactured.  This proficiency includes elements of herbalism, animal lore, brewing and minor alchemy.
This skill allows to :
-Identify poisons from samples
-Identify poisons from a victim’s symptoms
-knows the proper use of the various types of poison, ingestive, inhalant, insinuative, etc.
In addition, the rogue gains a +1 when combining this skill with any healing proficiency check dealing with poison, therefore granting the poison victim an additional +1 to save.  

Concoct Poisons: (Check: int. +0 ; Rogue)  The ability to concoct various toxic powders and poisons. Powders may be contained in fragile capsules and propelled by the use of a blowtube (area of effect: five foot radius circle) or added to food or drink. Venoms are usually used to coat blades or other sharp objects. Time required to mix and prepare is eight hours.
Possession of this skill also allows a character to make powder or contact poisons. Time required to mix and refine is one day. Ingredients per single, four-dram dose are as indicated. Powders may be added to food or drink, hurled in vials, expelled in capsule form from a blow tube (range: twenty feet), or dispersed into the air by hand (range: 5 feet a risky proposition). Duration of non-lethal powders is as indicated. The effects of most powders can be resisted by making a successful saving throw vs. poison.  Area of effect for propelled/dispersed powders is a five foot diameter cloud, which subsides in 1-4 minutes.  

c) Coating with insinuative poison
Each Vial of Insinuative poison is assumed to be about 6-oz., and each vial holds 6 doses and can coat a number of different types of weapons; in some cases, multiple doses are required to completely cover a blade. The table below should be used as a general guide:
Weapon   Dose
Dart                   1
Arrow                 1.5
Dagger                 2
Pole arm               3
Hand ax               3
Spear head           3
Short sword             6 (1 vial)
Scimitar               6 (1 vial)
Broad sword             9 (1 vial)
Long sword             9 (1 vial)
Bastard sword           12 (2 vials)
2-hd. sword             18 (3 vials)

On normal weapons (steel or iron, not magical), insinuative poison evaporates quickly; on the first day the poison is in use, very little evaporates and it does full damage. After one full day, evaporation loss takes its toll, and the poison does only half damage.
After two full days, the poison and its extra damage are completely gone. Each hit on an opponent by an envenomed weapon has the same effect as one day of evaporation: The first hit does full damage, the second hit half damage, and the third hit no damage.
For death giving poisons, the victim receives a bonus of +4 on his saving throw on the second hit.

d) Basic insinuative poisons buying cost (from Dragon Magazine)
Type Damage/save Cost per vial (6 doses)
AA 1d4 hp/save +2: none 300 gp/vial
A (1-8) 1d8 hp/save +2: none 600 gp/vial
B (2-16) 2d8 hp/save +0: none 1350 gp/vial
C (3-24) 3d8 hp/save +0: none 1800 gp/vial
D (4-32) 4d8 hp/save -2: none 3000 gp/vial
E (6-48) 6d8 hp/save -2: none 3750 gp/vial
F (6-60) 6d10 hp/save -2: none 4500 gp/vial
G (7-70) 7d10 hp/save -4: none 5250 gp/vial
H (8-80) 8d10 hp/save -4: none 6000 gp/vial
I (9-90) 9d10 hp/save -4: none 6750 gp/vial
J (10-100) 10d10/save -4: none 7500 gp/vial
S Sleep 1d4 rds/save +0: Nil 500 gp/vial
O Paralysis 3d4 rds/save +0: Nil 5000 gp/vial
P Debilitating 1d4 hours/save +0: Nil 7500 gp/vial
X 10 hp/round until Death/save +0: Nil 11250 gp/vial
XX Death/save +0: Nil 45000 gp/vial

Type: The poison’s method of administration: Inhalants, Ingestive, Insinuatives or Contact.
Run Time: The amount of time the poison takes to run its course. This can be expressed as a length of time, or as a number of hit points per round.  On some poisons, the run time is determined by the amount of damage taken; for example type AAA ingestive poison causes 3-18 (3d6) points of damage per dose ingested and has a run time of 3 hp/round. The victim is determined to take 7 points of damage from one dose, the damage will be subtracted at the rate of 3 points per round for two rounds, with the final point being lost in the third round after the poison takes effect. Some venom will not have a run time, or will have a run time of “instantaneous”.  Poisons with symptoms or effects like vertigo or hallucinations have a run time, a set amount of time in which the victim suffers the effects.
Result: This is the general effect of the poison on a failed save/successful save.  Examples are; damage, death, debilitation, sleep, etc.

Antidotes: Antidotes are available if a sample of the poison is made available. The antidote usually cost 120% of the purchase price of the poison. Antidotes take approximately one week to create, and must be administered within 2 rounds of the poison’s onset to be effective. If no sample of the toxin is available, one can be distilled from a blood sample, but that will take  approximately a month and a 1,000 extra gold (by then it's too late anyway).

C) New saving Throw

Synthèse règles 2nd Ed. 546733NewSavingThrows2ndEd600x850

D) New Turning

Synthèse règles 2nd Ed. 460517NewTurningtable2ndEd600x1000

E) Table save magical objects

Synthèse règles 2nd Ed. Wm07

F) Table detection invisibility

Synthèse règles 2nd Ed. 3cij

Dernière édition par nicolas le Mer 5 Oct 2016 - 10:07, édité 10 fois
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